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Chicken Price List

All prices are per pound.  Products subject to Availability.  Prices subject to change.

Free-range chicken is different from the chicken typically found in the grocery store, both in how it is raised and the quality of meat.  Our free-range chickens have access to the smorgasboard mother nature provides, including greens, roots.  The also get produce scraps from the garden, bread and lots of other goodies.  We do supplement with a high quality non-medicated feed as well to ensure the health of the birds.  We do not use anitbiotics, hormones or treated feed.

They have access to both indoor space (coop) and outdoor space.  While they have lots of room to roam, we do keep them fenced to ensure their safety.



Prices are all by pound

Whole Chickens................$ 4.25




For 2016 we plan to start having regular availibility starting near the end of May. 



Pick an assortment from pork, chicken and rabbit (must include at least two, not including other pork packages).


5 - 20 lbs ...........................5% off

21+ lbs ............................10% off



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