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Rabbit Price List

All prices are per pound.  Products subject to Availability.  Prices subject to change.

Our rabbits are raised naturally in a colony setting, including both indoor and outdoor space.  While we are still working at expanding our rabbit infrastructure, they currently have 2.5 - 3 times the recommended amount of space.  This encourages them to be active and healthy.  We feed a diet consisting mainly of hay, grass and other natural foods.  We do supplement with a high quality feed as well to ensure proper nuturitional needs are met.



Prices are all by pound

1 - 5 Rabbits.......................$ 8.25


6 - 10 Rabbits.....................$ 8.00


11+ Rabbits........................$ 7.75


We raise a limited number of high quality rabbits, it is recommended that you pre-order to ensure you can get the number you would like.



Pick an assortment from pork, chicken and rabbit (must include at least two, not including other pork packages).


5 - 20 lbs ...........................5% off

21+ lbs ............................10% off



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